
Please contact Alix at or your Age Group Coordinator 

Canterbury Water Polo, as a Club, and as a Regional body relies heavily on grants and successfully obtaining money from the following groups to operate. Without the support of the key contributors and those key personnel within the club putting together these grants, we wouldn't exist as we currently do.

We desperately need every dollar we can get to continue improving the way we operate and help us give our players and families the best water polo we can in Canterbury.

Firstly, to Rob Jeffries. Without Robs dedication to application submissions along with our current treasurer Maree Crisp, these grants wouldn't be known to us. Our club is significantly better off with Rob, and his contributions ongoing. Rob has two kids who have played for Canterbury Water Polo and even though he currently resides outside our region, he continues to put these applications together and support us.

Next to the following entities who have seen us as a worthy club to give their funding to, thank you. If you haven't already been made aware the following entities were kind enough to open their pockets, following successful applications, allowing us to buy pool space, assist in paying staff, equipment purchases, run events, and subsidise tournament costs. If you haven't heard of the following groups go and check them out, great people behind these great organisations.

Pub Charity

Kiwi Gaming

Lion Foundation

Christchurch City Council

Mainland Foundation

Aotearoa Gaming Trust

NZ Community Trust

Thank you again to all those involved.


Cooper Stewart

Chairperson - Canterbury Water Polo