Q. Do I have to register my child/ren every term?
A. Yes, you will need to re-register your child/ren each term for both the Swimming and Water Polo training. The registrations do not roll over into the next term. You will however be invited via email to reregister. The email with contain a link to the new registration form with standard details (name, address etc.) already entered from previous registration. Please note each link is unique to each player.
Q. What happens if my child gets injured during the term and can’t attend a session?
A. You will need to contact the registration officer with a medical/DR certificate in order to obtain a partial refund. No refund for a change of mind however.
Q. My child cannot attend all sessions? Do I still have to pay the full sub
A. Yes, you will still be required to pay the full sub. It is up to the player/parents as to their level of commitment however players must know that team selection could be compromised.
Q. What is the age group my child should be in?
A. Age groups are determined by the age of the child as of the 1st of January.
U12: Players born on or after January 1st 2013 are eligible to play.
U14: Players born on or after January 1st 2011 are eligible to play.
U16: Players born on or after January 1st 2009 are eligible to play.
U18: Players born on or after January 1st 2007 are eligible to play.
Seniors: pre-2007
Q. What swimming ability does my child need to participate in Water polo?
A. U12 – 200m unassisted. U14 – Senior TBC
Q. Can I just turn up once to see if I like it, then pay if I want to join?
A. If you are wanting to have a go before committing please contact your age group manager. If you are wanting to continue after 3 sessions, you must register online.
Q. I play two sports and trainings conflict; what do I do?
A. CWP recognises sometimes players have conflicting commitments; we recommend you talk to your coach before registering to be sure you are both clear about your presence at trainings.
Q. NZ Water Polo has me registered with my home team: a. how can I change that, b. I still want to play for them but can I train with CWP? Or c. Can I play for both regions?
A. You can either transfer to CWP or be loaned to CWP from your current club. Both require forms to be completed by both the player and existing club. These are available on the NZWP website.
Q. If my child is sick and can’t make the training sessions do I need to let anyone know?
A. You coach will set their own expectations around this. It may be that players will need to text or email the coach prior to training.
Team Selection
Q. Who do I contact if I have concerns about my child's involvement in CWP i.e. not making teams I think they should be in and not being eligible for training in the higher age group.
A. A convenor will be named with each section. The convenor can be contacted however selectors and coaches cannot. The convenor will work with the individuals concerned to clarify any questions.
Q. Does my child need to have CWP togs?
A. CWP togs are not required for training however it is expected that if your child is named in a Nationals team that they will have the CWP togs.
Q. Where can I buy/sell CPW uniforms?
A. Head along to our Uniforms page on our website. Complete the online form and our uniform officer will be in touch.
Q. How much does each tournament cost and when will invoices be sent out.
A. Each tournament will be different. Managers will be working with parents on arrangements to keep costs as low as possible. Invoices will be sent once the team has been announced and travel arrangements have been made. Managers will be able to give you a rough estimate when the team is announced.
Q. Do I have to complete a medical form and code of conduct form for each tournament my child is to attend?
A. Yes, medical information can change and it is important that travelling managers are aware of this. If the player chooses not to disclose this then full responsibility is on the player.
When can I play?
The CWP calendar depends greatly on the NZWP calendar. We facilitate the following during the four school terms. With the main competitions outlined further for 2023. Below is typical based on historical calendars and should not be taken to be accurate for this coming year.
Term 1 - Seniors, U21s, U18s, Secondary School Seniors, Year 7/8s
Term 2 - Seniors, U21s, U18s, U16s, U12s, Year 7/8s, Mini Polo
Term 3 - U16s, U14s, U12s, Year 7/8s, Mini Polo
Term 4 - Seniors, U18s, U14s, U12s, Secondary School Juniors, Year 7/8s
Seniors - Competition runs from Feb - June
Under 21s - Nationals are at the start of July
Under 18s - Nationals are at the start of October
Under 16s - Nationals in late September
Under 14s - Nationals are just before Christmas
Under 12s - Main competition at the end of October